Thursday, August 2, 2012

Happy Birthday Grandma!

Last Saturday we were super excited to celebrate Grandma's birthday. She wanted to do a "Carnival Birthday" to bring in the big 60 and so that the kids could have a blast. They sure did have a blast... we all did!

Heading down the slide

She made it! Nobody could be cuter than this! I hope I can look like this and have this much energy when I turn 60. 

The kids enjoying Grandma's bouncy house pool!

Water fights galore... Hayden has a knack for squirting people right in the face, HA! 

What a fun day of swimming!

Hayden was a little bit sick and so we had to have him get out for the rest of the time, but he loved watching everyone play. 

There were some pretty epic water fights by the end of the night... even my camera got included in the fun! HA!

The carnival was a blast. Grandma had a popcorn, hot dog, snow cone and cotton candy machine for the kids. It was hard to get them to leave that night!!

Joking around with Grandpa!

When we party, we PARTY... including Kubla!

Watching the video that Stef put together with all of our old pictures of Grandma and the family. It was so awesome.

Kyle's whole family from left to right (minus his brother Preston). Kyle, Brooke, Grandma, Grandpa, Stefanie and Amanda.

The traditional family birthday picture in the kitchen.  Kubla happily stood in for Hayden. We couldn't get the kids away from all of the carnival fun! The group from left to right, Matt, Amanda, Kubla, Adrienne, Kyle, Bessa (Kyle's Grandma), Grandma, Grandpa, Brooke, Stefanie and Corbin.

And a carnival is not a carnival without a ball pit. Hayden adores his Grandma!!

Happy birthday Grandma! We love you so much and we are so grateful for all that you do for our family!


Kyle, Adrienne & Hayden

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