Wednesday, July 25, 2012

After much thought and prayer... we are going to give this our all!

After taking a break from the adoption world for a bit, we have decided to give this one more shot! We have been published on the adoption website again and we look forward to meeting our new birth family that we are meant to have in our lives. We look forward to building that relationship with them and then watching it grow. We look forward to welcoming our very loved and long awaited child into our home. We know that our newest little family member is out there waiting for us and WE ARE READY... WE ARE EXCITED!

This adoption journey has been a difficult one for us ALL over this past year. But we have grown from it and we are stronger than ever. We have been made a stronger family because of it. Our newest little angel is going to be our true miracle.

Like I said in my past post... the sunshine always comes out after the storm. This is our journey and it is beautiful!



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