Sunday, November 11, 2012

October craziness!

October felt like a very busy and crazy month for us! I think the holidays are going to get even funner!! I can't even wait! :)

 Beautiful fall weather... teeshirts and shorts for the first part of the month. We enjoyed watching E.T. at the movie theater too. Hayden thinks E.T. is a pretty awesome alien!

We got our family pictures taken. Here's a sneak peak. This is Hayden's favorite because he's on the big wheel!

Lego time during conference. I love my boys!

These boys love their gatorade and playing soccer too.

Frightmares at Lagoon. Hayden even got to ride a ride with one of his buddies that we ran in to!

Making our Gingerbread House. Hayden wasn't as excited about doing a ton of decorating this year... mostly just eating the candy, HA!

Silly Grandpa with his dart glasses and lots of pumpkin decorating going on!

Loving my little dude and how much he loves to get into character (any kind of character) around Halloween. He was also super proud of his calendar that he made for October!

We spent the weekend in Heber and enjoyed every single minute of it!

Hayden drew his very own "do not disturb" sign, of himself sleeping, so he could keep the monsters out of his bedroom. Little did we know that he used a permanent marker to draw it and got it all over Nana and Papa's dining room table!! Luckily Kyle is great at cleaning up unwanted messes... crisis overrated. :)

Watching the zombies sing and dance at Wheeler Farm. Staying safe on daddy's shoulders!

We had a blast at the pumpkin farm this year. The weather was perfect and it was pretty empty because of the UEA weekend. (We'll have to remember that little trick for next year!)

We finally closed on our house in California. It's only been a year and a half. That is relief and pure joy on Kyle's face! Signing the very last document for our California home, YAY!

Hayden was so excited because daddy was asked to sub for their soccer coach for their last game of the season. The boys had a blast and Hayden was in HEAVEN!

Dressing up with his buddy. I've never seen two cuter astronauts in my life. :)

Temple day to celebrate Kyle's Grandma's 91st birthday. All she wanted for her birthday was a day in the temple with her family. What a special day to celebrate a very amazing woman! Me with my sister in laws, Kyle's mom and Grandma.

Hayden has been asking for a Halloween party all year. SO, I decided to surprise him and threw together a party the night before. He wanted to dress as an astronaut again and I was a mommy cat! :)

Because there are so many kids/friends in our neighborhood. I told him that he could invite his friends that he could see their houses from our house. We had 16 kids at our party and had a blast! I was exhausted by the end... we made Halloween masks, danced to Halloween music and had yummy treats. It was definitely the highlight of his week. :)

Ward Halloween party. Hanging with his buddy, decorating a yummy cookie and trying to eat the donut off the string without touching it. This picture makes me laugh every time I look at it!!

We weren't quite prepared for all of this snow on October 25th. We didn't have our snow gear out and we hadn't put our patio furniture away, etc... But we enjoyed it nonetheless! My little California boy is out any time it snows and loves every single minute he can spend out there! I think he enjoys the hot chocolate afterwords just as much. :)

Nana and Papa took Hayden to Cornbelly's pumpkin farm in Lehi. They had a BLAST!!

I enjoyed a fun weekend getaway with my friends at Time Out For Women... we always have a great time together!

Halloween party at Grandma and Grandpa's with the cousins! 

We had all kinds of fun. Donut eating contest, Candy Corn Bingo and much, much more! 

Carving pumpkins. We all picked our own design and loved what we ended up with.

Making yummy pumpkin seeds with my little man... YUM!

 I loved being able to help with Hayden's class Halloween party this year. He had a fun time playing games and loved having me there too!

 It was a very Happy Halloween for us pirates and a very fun and eventful October for us!

I hope that you're all enjoying your weekend...



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