Sunday, June 24, 2012

Celebrating daddy through the years!

This is a tribute to Kyle for what an amazing father he is to Hayden. He is loving, patient, a wonderful teacher, a fabulous example, a good listener, a good snuggly reading partner and so much more to Hayden. Kyle absolutely adores Hayden and Hayden feels the same way about his daddy!

Here are some great memories over the years of these two partners in crime! Most of them were taken during Kyle's special Father's Day celebrations and some were taken during some very important times in Kyle's life as a daddy!

First moment Kyle held Hayden, just minutes after he was born.

First time Kyle fed Hayden. 

First family photo. Hayden was barely two days old.

First changing session with daddy. I LOVE this moment in time!

Kyle's very first Father's Day- June 2007

I love my daddy. Hayden at 2 months old getting changed to go to the park on Father's Day- June 2007

I'm only posting this picture because Hayden's smile was definitely for his daddy. Hayden has adored his daddy from day 1!

 The day Hayden's adoption was finalized. Such a very special day for all of us- June 2008!

Adoption-finalization-celebration-dinner. Hayden has the best daddy in the world!

Kyle's 2nd Father's Day- June 2008. Hayden has always loved snuggling on daddy's lap and he has always LOVED cards too!

We became a forever family in August 2008 

The ceremony and the 24 hour flu took a lot out of our little man. He's always happy to snuggle up to his daddy and sleep!

 Hayden was blessed in Nana and Papa's home by his daddy and surrounded by all of those family members and friends that are very dear to us.  We had a special week full of such a peaceful spirit of the love and importance of family!

 Father's Day- June 2009. Hayden helping daddy open his presents and enjoying the card and daddy time WAY more than the actual present!

Playing ball with daddy before present and card time- Father's Day- June 2010.

 Bring on the CARDS!

Hayden gave daddy a very special present this year by falling asleep right before dinner time. It was a peaceful dinner with adult conversation... that's very rare for this little family!

Kyle eating his favorite chicken crescents while Hayden snoozes his dinner away on the couch. 

 Trying to get some food into him before putting him down for the night. He was OUT for the night and it was only 6:00! ha ha  What a good daddy!

Father's Day- June 2011. Enjoying more snuggle time and funny card time!

 Father's Day isn't complete without building a huge train track and playing trains for hours!

Father/Son photo-op June 2012

Hayden is wearing Kyle's suit that he wore when he graduated from preschool... pretty adorable if I do say so myself!

Always looking up to and hoping to be like his daddy in every way... he adores him so, so much!

Hayden wanted to have daddy open his Father's Day present early this year. He made him a "hang glider" that has many appropriate attributes to it: paper, flashlight, hangers and spy technology! He was so proud to give this to his daddy and he spent a good hour just putting it together and wrapping it for him.   

Father's Day- June 2012

Putting together a toy that we brought Hayden back from our trip. These two were in heaven figuring out all of the bells and whistles to this new M&M toy!

The #1 daddy in the world.

It touches my heart that he still likes to sit and snuggle on daddy's lap... he often tells me how BIG he is because he is 5 years old now. I'm just glad he's not too big for his daddy time. 

Looking over all of these pictures, Kyle and I laughed because he really DOES have some favorite shirts that he likes to wear and he wears them often, HA HA!  We also laugh and cringe at how young we looked at the beginning of these pictures, compared to now... yikes!

But on a more serious note, it has been marvelous to watch these two grow such an amazing relationship over these past 5 years. Hayden looks up to his daddy so much and often likes to tell me that he is going to be as tall as daddy some day, or work like daddy some day, or play golf like daddy some day, or get married like daddy someday... and the list goes on and on. Hayden is so lucky to have Kyle as his daddy AND Kyle is so lucky to have Hayden as his son. These two are special, amazing, fabulous, fun and loving boys. I'm glad that they have each other! We are truly one happy and blessed family. 

Happy Father's Day Kyle. Thank you for blessing us all with your awesome shirts (ha ha) and thank you for being such a wonderful father AND husband. We love you as big as the sky!


Hayden & Mommy

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